
For years, I had been in and out of your traditional club gym and was finding it to be such a chore. Waking up at 5:00 a.m., spending 2 hours at the gym and not seeing results was getting tiresome. No wonder it didn’t last.

It was after a friend told me about Garage Gym’s 20 minute workouts that I decided to give it a try. After all, I am a mom of 2 and do not have 2 hours to dedicate to the gym. I joined Garage Gym (GG) in January of 2009.

My first work out at GG was somewhat of a blur; not because it was so long ago, but because I almost passed out. After the first week, of sweating and soreness, GG became my passion. I couldn’t pass up getting a full-body work in only 20 minutes.

I like to participate in Adventure Races and find it that GG is the best way of training for them. The work outs help me with strength training and cardio all at the same time. Since GG, I have been able to continually place in my category and I owe it all to the dedicated trainers.

Thank you Jorge for pushing us to reach our goals!

Garage Gym ROCKS!!!

- Claudine Nelson

Claudine Nelson

I was looking for a gym for my son to join when my neighbor recommended Garage Gym. My intention was not to join initially but to support my son. After that first workout I thought I was having a heart attack!! I could barely get out of bed the next day from all the aches and pains I felt. Yet, I went back every day for one week and was hooked. The workouts are never boring. The support I receive from Garage Gym is truly unique and priceless. The trainers and fellow members motivate and push me to get through each and every workout. They make me feel that I am part of a big family. I have never received this type of support at any other gym that I have been a member of.

I began in September of 2008 as a tight size 18/20 in pants and a size 1X in shirts. I am now a size 8/10 in pants and a size medium in shirts. I am now 47 years old and I can honestly say that I look and feel better now than I did in my twenties or thirties. I am still a work in progress but with the help of the Garage Gym family I will reach my goals. Thank you Garage Gym for changing my life for the better.

Garage Gym Girl Forever!!!

Isa Riverol

I owe a lot to Jorge Angulo. I have had the unique and blessed opportunity to call him Sensei, Coach and friend for 12 years. I particularly owe Jorge more than I could repay for his tireless coaching and encouragement over the past four years. I work in a close quarter’s environment that can be extremely hostile, suddenly violent and unpredictable in the demands of the challenges that can be presented, both physically and mentally.

I was Garage Gym Miami’s first long-distance gym member. Jorge committed to me over the past four years to feed me workouts that could be done anywhere: hotel gym, parking lot, or park. Whether I was in Beijing or Bucharest, Frankfurt or Fresno, I always had tools, foundations and principles that I could depend on to get my exercise time in. His methods not only built strength, but endurance and stamina as well. With that came an increase in my ability to focus. My cardio also improved, evidenced by my stellar performance increases on required fitness runs. That all came from his programming.

The final area of influence that was the KEY difference in my ability to perform better, faster, stronger, was DIET. I HEARD Jorge for years talk about protein rich diets, and primal-based eating, but NEVER DID IT until recently. Within 12 weeks, I dropped 22 lbs and my numbers shot through the roof. I am now cresting 40, and am in better shape than I have ever been, NO LIE! You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. I encourage you, if you’re reading this, and you’re saying to yourself, “Well, maybe…”, then read it again. My story is real. My change is real. Yours can be too.


US Government Employee

I started Garage Gym back in May of 2008 when I realized that I was turning 33 and was starting to feel sluggish. Like most people my excuse not to join a gym was "I was a full time working mom and there was so much to do before I would do anything for myself." Though I have always been slim I was not looking as put together as I did in my twenties. The first session I couldn't believe how weak I was! I actually passed out within the first 10 minutes. I was amazed that with the support of the trainers the strength started kicking in within 2 weeks and the inches came off and muscle definition was starting to immerge! I actually started to see results within the first month. Everything has turned around for me. I feel amazing, strong and sexy again! The complements flood in; my husband is my greatest supporter and says the nicest things to me all the time. Garage Gym keeps me on track picks me up when I fall and I can always count on the trainers to push me to my next level. I've join several gyms the past, and none have gotten me to this fitness level that I have gotten at Garage Gym.

Thanks GG..YOU ROCK..

Vanessa Mejia

My name is Damian Hernandez, and I have been a certified fitness trainer for over 5 years. I have a degree in exercise physiology and was the regional director for the fitness modality for the YMCA of greater Miami. I have trained in various facilities and trained hard. However, in the last year my training had fallen into a serious downward spiral. I had no motivation, no enthusiasm, and no gusto. I was tired from work, eating poorly, and was basically just really bored of the gym scene. I came to the realization that my fitness life was out of gas.

I was lucky enough to be introduced to Garage Gym by a friend of mine. Day one almost killed me…literally. I hadn’t gotten my butt handed to me so bad in a long time. When I finally peeled myself off the floor and drove home I realized that I had found my answer. The workouts at Garage are fast (most taking about 20minutes) easily fitting into my daily schedule. The routines are brutal but very well structured, incorporating all major muscle groups and then some. Best of all, the results speak for themselves. I have seen and felt a positive change in not only my physical ability but my energy levels throughout the day. I walked in dragging my fight and I walked out kicking ass.

So this is my testimonial. I would recommend anyone not completely happy with their routine, or just seeking a challenge to give this system try.

Thanks Garage!

Damian Hernandez

About a year ago I was weighing in at 220 pounds. I would break sweats and become short of breath just walking to my car from my office, about a 50 yard distance. It was that time I then decided I needed to change my life around. In high school I was about 170 pounds and to be 50 pounds over was depressing. I bought the P90x and found a lot of the workouts challenging not having someone to guide me if I was doing them right or not. I tried a spinning bike and all it made me do was sweat, but no muscle gain. I tried 24 hour fitness Shaq and although they have fancy machines and a huge facility, I didn’t know what to do when I got there plus I felt that someone was always watching the way I work out due to my disability. Also the only time to actually get a descent work out in was late at night and I would spend hours at the gym. So I gave up in total. That week I ran into an old buddy of mine after seeing a picture from his facebook page. I ask him what is this “Garage Gym” he goes to and he replied “just try it out with me one day and you’ll see”. How long are these workouts? 20 minutes!!! I didn’t believe it. On Friday September 4th 2009, I started the “Garage Gym”. My first impression was wow; it’s really just a garage with free weights. There is no fancy machines just pure knowledge, good trainers, and friendly people. I spoke to the owner/head trainer Jorge and showed him my disability with my arm and right off the bat he tells me something that no other person/trainer ever told me before, “I don’t see that you have a disability, I see it as a challenge that we can and will work with”. My first day of only 20 minutes I sweated more than I ever did at a regular gym even more than on a treadmill. I like that I wasn’t turned away or that I wasn’t told just skip that workout and do something else. Instead I was told if you can’t do it you will in time but for now we will substitute that workout for something similar. Same muscle being worked, just a different range of motion. This is what I was looking for. Everyday was a challenge but with the help of Jorge and Ralph, 30 pounds later I can say it is well worth it. I can crank out over 150 push ups in one session, my endurance is better, my cardiovascular is better, and last am almost near accomplishing my hardest goal which is the pull-up.


I have been working out at GG for 1 year & six months now. I started off as a "cardio queen" that occasionaly trained with weights. My goal was to increase muscle mass & get toned. As a runner, my body frame was very lean, but under weight. I have increased strength, endurance, and I have put on 8 pounds of lean muscle mass! This is something that I found impossible to do after about 9 years of training at the gym on my own. As a woman, I feel empowered to see how quickly my body responds to the workouts.

The intensity & use of functional movements at GG make it unique. The more you put in the more you get out. I have observed improvement not just in my self but in other clients no matter what the age, sex or physical fitness level. I have never found a more balanced, functional, and varied excersice program. I get more out of 20 minutes GG than I did out of 1 hour at a conventional gym. I will not say it is easy (no pain, no gain!), but you will see results no matter what your goal is.

Once you join GG it is like becoming part of a family. Not only are the trainers very motivating, but so are the clients. We push & encourage each other to be the best and give it all we've got every workout.

I am extremely satisfied and happy with my results so far at GG. I look forward to continue working out and improving my strength, endurance, physical fitness and well bieng at GG.

Milagros Nurquez

Registered & Liscensed Dietitan/Nutritionist

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