GarageGym Coaches


Strength & Conditioning Coach

Jorge is a natural born teacher, mentor, and coach. At the age of six he began learning Judo and when he would come home he would teach the neighborhood kids that day’s lesson. The fitness bug bite Jorge at the age of 12 when he began working out with his cousin (s) Jose “Pepin” Olmedo and Frank Angulo Jr. in the original “Garage Gym” a home gym located in, you guessed it, a one car garage.

From his original mentors and the small, hot, and sparsely equipped gym he learned that you can build an impressive physic with minimal equipment, basic fundamental exercises, and lots of hard work with a good dose of sweat equity. With a voracious appetite for reading and research Jorge began devouring everything he could about nutrition, exercise, and human anatomy.  Jorge applied his new found knowledge on himself first and later began experimenting with others in the gym.

Regardless of where life has taken him he always finds himself teaching something. From teaching martial arts to training police dog’s, training athletes of all levels of competition, training rookie police officers the ropes, to training the average Joe and Jane, Jorge has always excelled in his chosen field of endeavor.

So what can he do for you? Anything and everything. Jorge is uniquely qualified to help you meet your health and fitness goals. Although this may sound lofty or a bit cocky the ultimate proof is in the pudding as they say. Jorge has delivered results to hundreds of clients that have been willing to commit themselves and follow his instruction. Despite all this everything boils down to how badly you want to make a real change in your life?  “Delivering results is a two Way Street I provide the instruction and guidance but ultimately you have to do the work.” Jorge Angulo


Gym manager/assistant trainer

Barbie strolled into the Garage Gym in May of 2008 by invitation of a friend. At that time Barbie was 30 plus pounds overweight and in pretty bad shape. Her original intention was to workout while her daughter danced ballet across the street twice a week. Twice per week became three times per week then six times per week. Barbie began to loose weight, improve her conditioning and strength.

In seven months she lost the 30 plus pounds and looked and performed like an athlete. In many cases Barbie a stay at home mom with two kids began out performing most of the men in the gym. With no former background in dance, track, or any athletic endeavor it was surprising to the GG staff how far she had gone. Barbie began to help others in the gym and with her dynamic personality became a client favorite.

Clients would come to the gym and ask if Barbie could train them. Besides making great progress in the gym Barbie was also a very good student and learned the in’s and outs of training and nutrition from the GG coaches. Proving herself to be very shrewd in business and with her infectious personality she was offered the gym managers position and currently runs the day to day operations of Garage Gym. Although she considers management her forte she still personally trains several clients.

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