Nutrition » Fuel


After 30 plus years of trying every diet known to man (including some that were not fit for human consumption) I discovered through trial and error that the best dietary approach which works for everyone is our own evolutionary diet.  Every animal on the planet has an evolutionary or natural diet and so do we. Human beings are by evolution hunter gathers. For thousands of years our gene type survived and thrived on a basic diet of protein, fats, and carbs (plant based not grain based). Heck we’re not very different from our Paleolithic ancestors. If it was good enough for them it’s surely good enough for us.

Without getting too complicated we recommend that our clients follow a high protein (animal based), healthy fats, and good carbohydrate diet. Now unlike most gyms we don’t offer pre-written diet plans or menus. It has been my experience that that approach most often does not work. More importantly providing a client with a pre-written diet removes accountability from the client. If he/she does not loose weight blame the diet, it was “not effective”, the menu choices “they were unrealistic”, etc. Blame everyone but yourself.

Therefore in order to keep our clients accountable for their actions (or lack thereof) we recommend that they purchase and more importantly read one of a few select Primal/Paleo diet books that we approve. Reading the book and understanding the concept behind paleo/primal eating is the key to success. We will fill in the blanks and answer questions. This approach has resulted in a higher rate of success and compliance over the pre written diet.

So now accountability falls where it needs to fall on your lap. If you succeed or fail it’s solely up to you. Also, by reading and understand for yourself the in’s and out’s of primal/paleo eating you will be able to design a paleo/primal eating plan that you will be able to follow for the long term. Remember, this is not a temporary diet it’s a life style change which will lead to a healthier you.

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Nutrition » Fuel