


Strength & Conditioning Coach

Hi my name is Jorge Angulo and I’m the head coach of Garage Gym Miami, and I will be guiding you through your fitness journey.  I’m going  to tell you something you may not believe. I’m not a genetically gifted lean person. There has been times in my life where I was in bad shape. I’ve had to struggle with my weight my whole life. I believe that being someone who still to this day has to be very careful with what I eat and the fact that I’ve been there and done that makes me an effective coach.

With over twenty years of experience I have studied and trained in numerous exercise methodologies. I’ve had the honour of training soldiers readying for basic training or advanced training/deployment, police and fire candidates, martial artist/MMA fighters, high school football players, and regular Joe’s and Jane’s. I have a passion for what I do and I love a good challenge. I’ve worked with physically challenged clients and have devised speciality exercises so they could get a complete workout. I’ve also worked with clients that have been previously injured while participating in other methods of exercise or activities with great success.

I’m looking forward to meeting and working with you. I’m committed to guiding you through your journey to better health and physical fitness. Lets get it done!






Gym Manager

Barbie strolled into the Garage Gym in May of 2008 by invitation of a friend. At that time Barbie was 30 plus pounds overweight and in pretty bad shape. Her original intention was to workout while her daughter danced ballet across the street twice a week. Twice per week became three times per week, then six times per week. Barbie began to lose weight, improve her conditioning and strength.

In seven months she lost the 30 plus pounds and looked and performed like an athlete. In many cases Barbie a stay at home mom with two kids began out performing most of the men in the gym. With no former background in dance, track, or any athletic endeavor it was surprising to the GG staff how far she had gone. Barbie began to help others in the gym and with her dynamic personality became a client favorite.

Besides making great progress in the gym Barbie was also a very good student and learned the in’s and outs of training and nutrition from the GG coaches. Proving herself to be very shrewd in business and with her infectious personality she was offered the gym managers position and currently runs the day to day operations of Garage Gym.



IsaIsabel “Isa” Riverol

Assistant Trainer

Isa came to the Garage Gym in August of 2008 with her son whom his doctor suggested needed to exercise in order to strengthen his back due to a slight curvature in his spine. Isa’s initial intention was to be there to support her son but quickly got bit by the GG bug. A wife and stay at home mom with two kids, Isa was 50 pounds over weight and was wearing a size 20 in clothes. Through hard work, sacrifice, a clean primal diet and determination Isa transformed herself from an out of shape mom to an athletically built and healthy shining example that hard work pays dividends.

Isa became a mentor and inspiration to many clients at Garage Gym. Her natural ability to motivate and encourage, as well as being very coachable, she was an excellent candidate to become a GG coach which is not an easy task. At GG we believe in learning the old fashion way on the job training. For the past two and a half years Isa has been in the trenches learning the in’s and out’s of coaching through hands on practical experience. Isa has developed into a wonderful coach the clients love her, we lover her, and you’ll love her. 


Yessenia FenemaYessenia Fenema

Assistant Trainer

The Gym » Staff