

Hi, My name is Patrice Cowan and this is my Garage Gym Story…

My stories a little different from others and how I started Garage Gym! Like most women I gained my weight after having my son. And when my son was born with a heart condition and then diagnosed with Autism at the age of two I went up to size 22! I started walking every day and did lose 70 pounds in three years and was very proud of myself.
The next step in my life was to quit smoking. So on December 11, 2011, I stopped for the first time cold turkey. But I needed some help and didn’t know where to go or who to turn to. Then a great friend told me about Garage Gym. I went the next day and I’ve been there ever since. It has changed my life! Instead of getting in my car and smoking a cigarette after work, I got in my car and went to the gym for my support. My body has changed for the better more than I ever thought imaginable, even after having lost the 70 pounds, Garage Gym has really toned and improved my look. Not only did I find a gym, which I’ve never really been a gym girl and so I had never been to one before, I found great friends and the best support team ever. I have noticed an incredible change in my body since joining. If you really want to change your life come to Garage Gym, I promise you will love it as much as I do. The funny thing is that it’s the hardest 20 minutes of my day but at the end it was the best 20 minutes of my day. The trainers and other members motivate and push me to get through my workouts.
Thank you Garage Gym for changing my body and making me feel better about myself every day.

I will always be a Garage Gym girl!

Hi my name is Mauricio Rosas, and this is my Garage Gym Miami Story…

Oddly enough, I’ve always been pretty active, always playing a variety of sports. I always thought of myself as being at an ideal weight. Then it hit me, I was pretty big for a short dude. Soon after, I was offered a chance to join some gym in a garage and thought I should give it a try. In February 2014, I decided to check out Garage Gym Miami.

After consecutive months at Garage Gym, my transformation has been quite noticeable. The coaches not only assist with the daily workouts but with lifestyle changes as well, especially in my daily meals and consumption (must eat like caveman). To date I’ve lost a total of 23 pounds since joining back in February. I’m nowhere near where I want to be but I know my family at the Garage will help me get there. As always, easy day!

Hi, my name is Lisa Sacco Schenker and this is my Garage Gym Miami Story…

OMG who was that girl? I look back at pictures and wonder how I let myself go like that. Today (Feb 4th) is my 1 year anniversary. I weighed myself a few weeks before and was somewhere around 205. The day I started my “diet” I was 197 lbs. My body fat was 48.6% and I was a size 14. That day, I went on a very strict 800 calorie, no fat no carb diet for 4.5 months, with 40 min of slow cardio (keeping my heart rate in the fat loss zone), 5-6 days a week. I knew the day I started this journey it wasn’t going to be a diet, but a life style change. My eating would be nothing but healthy and natural and working out would be a part of my day, every day. I have a 16 year old son, and he was my motivation to get healthy. I need to be here for him and want to see him make his life choices and help him through his mistakes. I want to run and chase and cheer him on! I can’t do that at 205 lbs. I want to take care of him, not burden him with taking care of me. My weight and unhappiness was my choice, not his. SO… my journey began, and he’s my #1 supporter! When I reached my goal size 4 months later, I was ready for my “Phase 2”, toning and conditioning! I needed a gym to take me to the level I want. Not any gym though. I wanted a gym that was going to understand my eating choices and not try and fill me full of carbs and heavy weights. I’d just trained my mind and body to eat clean. I looked and looked at gyms in my area, but nothing fit. I have friends who were at Garage Gym and it was always in the back of my mind, that this gym might be what I was looking for. I walked in one day and talked to Jorge (the owner). He sat me down and listened to me babble on and on about what I’ve done, been doing, and what I was looking for. Thankfully, he knew EXACLTY where I was coming from. He also eats the “Paleo” or “Primal” or a “clean eating” life style. He has no use for the carbs and fats…

Hi, my name is Eduardo Descalzo and this is my Garage Gym Miami Story…

I started at Garage Gym a little over two years ago. I was overweight, out of shape, and didn’t have the best health. After only 6 weeks there, I dropped 25 pounds. With their 20 minute HIIT workouts and a change in my diet I was able to drop weight so fast. There has been a great improvement to my blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, etc. which means no more lectures from my doctor. My clothes fit better and I have tons of energy to play with my kids and be a much more active person overall. It’s hard to enjoy life when your back and feet hurt from long walks or you feel like falling asleep all the time.

I’ve recently shifted to their strength training program known as the HIRT and I’ve seen improvements in not only my physique but also in my power. The staff has been there through my newest transition into the program by diligently watching my form as well as other critical aspects of this type of training. I can now deadlift nearly 400 pounds and bench press 100 pound dumbbells, where before I wasn’t able to.
Thanks to Garage Gym and its staff, I’ve met and exceeded my personal goals and look forward to achieving more.

Hi, my name is Mari Ojeda-Cancio and this is my Garage Gym story…

Well… There’s this little magic pill & special water you can only get at Garage Gym that does miracles lol… Just Kidding!!
As many may not believe or find hard to do… All I did was do the HIIT 20 min workouts & healthy eating/paleo. Exactly what Jorge tells everyone to do, I just did it & it worked. At first it was difficult just to make it a habit really & from then on the weight just started shedding off. No diet pills, no starving. Besides with being a nurse I’m very careful with what products I put into my body. I did have my questions about the paleo diet but as I did my research & bothered Jorge ALOT about it I saw there was absolutely nothing wrong with it & I just put my trust in the process. Now here I am 30pds less than I was in May. I had previously weighed 115 & gained 40pds last year & whatever I did nothing worked… Thanks to Garage Gym I’m actually more fit now than I ever was even back in my skinny with no muscle days (skinny fat, lol)

Hi my name is Ivan Navarro, and this is my Garage Gym Story…

My whole life I’ve been overweight and when I say overweight I mean I was PAC MAN nom nom eating on nothing but chips and McDonald’s all day overweight! It didn’t matter how many times my sister Claudine would tell me about having to work out and eat healthy I just did not listen. It wasn’t until my doctor told me, at the age of 15, that if I didn’t do something about my weight I would die like my father. It was at that moment that it opened my eyes and decided that I had to change, this would no longer continue. I decided to go to Garage Gym, where my sister had been working out.

First day at the G it sucked and I left feeling beat up after only 20 minutes, but I kept going day after day. My CO Jorge Angulo kept pushing me to be better, to challenge myself more and to never give up. The words “I can’t” or “I quit” are not acceptable, that’s NO EXCUSE at the G! I am now 18 years old and I can honestly say that I have never felt better, looked better and been stronger and healthier than I am today. My life has been completely turned around by Garage Gym Miami. The experiences that I have gained, the friends and family that I have at the G are like none other. They help me daily not only with my fitness goals, but with school issues, advice on random topics, they help me with my daily life. Thank you Jorge and to my GG family who stood by me through everything. I Love my Garage Gym Miami Family. The only easy day was yesterday, remember that!!

Hi, my name is Claudine Nelson and this is my Garage Gym Story…

For years, I had been in and out of your traditional club gym and was finding it to be such a chore. Waking up at 5:00 a.m., spending 2 hours at the gym and not seeing results was getting tiresome. No wonder it didn’t last.

It was after a friend told me about Garage Gym’s 20 minute workouts that I decided to give it a try. After all, I am a mom of 2 and do not have 2 hours to dedicate to the gym. I joined Garage Gym (GG) in January of 2009.

My first work out at GG was somewhat of a blur; not because it was so long ago, but because I almost passed out. After the first week, of sweating and soreness, GG became my passion. I couldn’t pass up getting a full-body work in only 20 minutes.

I like to participate in Adventure Races and find it that GG is the best way of training for them. The work outs help me with strength training and cardio all at the same time. Since GG, I have been able to continually place in my category and I owe it all to the dedicated trainers.

Thank you Jorge for pushing us to reach our goals!

Garage Gym ROCKS!!!



Hi, my name is Isa Riverol and this is my Garage Gym Story…

I was looking for a gym for my son to join when my neighbor recommended Garage Gym. My intention was not to join initially but to support my son. After that first workout I thought I was having a heart attack!! I could barely get out of bed the next day from all the aches and pains I felt. Yet, I went back every day for one week and was hooked. The workouts are never boring. The support I receive from Garage Gym is truly unique and priceless. The trainers and fellow members motivate and push me to get through each and every workout. They make me feel that I am part of a big family. I have never received this type of support at any other gym that I have been a member of.

I began in September of 2008 as a tight size 18/20 in pants and a size 1X in shirts. I am now a size 8/10 in pants and a size medium in shirts. I am now 47 years old and I can honestly say that I look and feel better now than I did in my twenties or thirties. I am still a work in progress but with the help of the Garage Gym family I will reach my goals. Thank you Garage Gym for changing my life for the better.

Garage Gym Girl Forever!!!


Hi, my name is Vanessa Mejia and this is my Garage Gym Story…

I started Garage Gym back in May of 2008 when I realized that I was turning 33 and was starting to feel sluggish. Like most people my excuse not to join a gym was “I was a full time working mom and there was so much to do before I would do anything for myself.” Though I have always been slim I was not looking as put together as I did in my twenties. The first session I couldn’t believe how weak I was! I actually passed out within the first 10 minutes. I was amazed that with the support of the trainers the strength started kicking in within 2 weeks and the inches came off and muscle definition was starting to emerge! I actually started to see results within the first month. Everything has turned around for me. I feel amazing, strong and sexy again! The complements flood in; my husband is my greatest supporter and says the nicest things to me all the time. Garage Gym keeps me on track picks me up when I fall and I can always count on the trainers to push me to my next level. I’ve join several gyms the past, and none have gotten me to this fitness level that I have gotten at Garage Gym.

Thanks GG, YOU ROCK!

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