About Us

Welcome and thank you for your interest in our gym.
Garage Gym is a community of like minded individuals who share the common goal of improving their health and fitness. Everyone receives lots of personal attention and exercises are routinely modified or scaled down to meet the members current abilities or limitations. I still haven’t met a person I can't train. 
Every gym is known for something "their specialty". There are some great gyms that if bodybuilding is your goal, these gyms/coaches specialize in that area and produce quality athletes.  We've worked with a wide variety of clients and athletes with specific needs. What we're most known for is our client transformations.
After 33 years of training in cold and impersonal commercial gyms where members are just dollar signs and if you needed help you have to pay for it, Garage Gym was born. I always knew that there had to be something better but I couldn't find it so I created it. The Best way to take full advantage of your gym membership and to achieve your goals, personal training is the way to go but not everyone can afford it. Typically, for the person that needs it the most personal training is cost prohibited. 
My sincere desire to help everyone achieve their health and fitness goals at affordable rates lead me to the personal group training concept. Every member benefits from personalized attention for an affordable monthly not hourly rate. I purposely wanted to keep our membership numbers reasonable, that's the only way to know each and every client by name and it fosters a friendly and welcoming family atmosphere at Garage Gym.



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